Mark Jones studied and taught PMS history, performance and composition at Liverpool Hope University (LHU) plus his recent commissioned pieces premiered at Wirral Festival of First’s (2013), Liverpool Lightnight (2016) alongside flute contributions provided for 'Are You Here'?' at Brighter Sound (2017), ‘O.K. - The Musical’ at TATE Liverpool alongside being a member of Merseyside Improvisors' Orchestra.  Most recently, as long term member Jones assisted LHU Big Band on saxophone for a Liverpool International Jazz Festival 2024 performance, plus Southport Food and Drink Festival solo appearance...



The Mindset Ensemble, Lightnight 2016 

(Image captured by P. Jones MBE)


Mark Jones (b. 1988) is a woodwind musician on flutes/saxophones and guitarist in the Merseyside region. Having graduated both his music undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Liverpool Hope University, Mark established himself through regular performances/session work in popular and experimental music genres - performing locally and festivals further afield - alongside freelance teaching in the field.  During this period in Merseyside, Jones assisted the development boost either on stage or album appearances for emerging song-based artists, namely: Alan Cross; Carrie Birmingham; Craig Sinclair; Gabbrielle Williams; Jennifer Vaudrey; Jon Hering; Luke Mawdsley; Luke Moore; Mark Delaney & Rachel Nicholas.  Taught formally on flute in baroque/classical styles by performance specialists Sarah McWatt/Chloe Mullett, amongst recent years supporting concerts/workshop appearances with artists like flautist Martina Biguzzi, aiding Liverpool Hope University wind music students as alumni and often frequently supporting the jazz open mic evenings presented by Coopers Bar, Southport.  Overall, Mark is also one of the few fortunate individuals in the world to have studied the unique MA: The Beatles, Popular Music and Society led then by Dr. Mike Brocken

Mark further previously assisted the northern network Frakture (promoter of free-improvisation and experiments with sound) for numerous years whilst also being a music consultant & performer for the Arts Council England funded cross-arts project such as  'If Only...!' based at the famous Bluecoat, central Liverpool during the past decade.  He has lovingly performed within blues, classical, folk, jazz and world orientated groups since 1998 predominantly on multiple wind instruments, consistently striving performances to happen more in the north-west region primarily given its rich, musical history and local importance.

In recent times he has taken parts up on flute/guitar for the 'Are You Here?' event arranged by Brighter Sound at Band on The Wall (Manchester) and appeared too at Tate Liverpool for the American historical play entitled 'O.K. - The Musical' by Christopher Kline alongside performing in the Jazz Flute Big Band with top local, notable and international flutists during 2017.  Additional collaborating with concerts/workshops presenting stars of the stage in improvising or free-form genres includes: Alan Barnes, Andi Panayi, ESKA, Mark Hanslip, Maggie Nichols, Philip Jeck, Howard Skempton, Trevor Watts & Veryan Weston.

Regarding the score, this artist is an energetic arranger/composer and takes commissions for both small and large ensembles in both popular and orchestral idioms:


Mark Jones Music has been supported by, or participated in specific events provided by these funding bodies: